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Webinar: Close the door on unwanted energy losses

Windows and doors can be responsible for a huge proportion of energy losses in your home. Yet they can be one of the most straightforward improvements to make.

Architect and energy efficiency expert James Smith, of J3 Building Futures in Shrewsbury will be joining Marches Energy Agency to talk through:

  • What makes a good window a good window?

  • Is triple glazing worth it or is double glazing 'good enough'?

  • Good windows need to be well installed - how do you ensure this?

  • How to repair or upgrade your existing windows

  • What are your options in a listed building or a Conservation Area?

  • How to manage overheating through windows and doors in a warming climate

J3 Building Futures is a sustainable development, environmental design, green construction and ecological living consultancy, concerned with developing the built environment in a socially, environmentally, and economically sustainable manner. They are also part of the Future Ready Homes Directory.

They specialise in the retrofit and refurbishment of existing buildings, but offer a range of other services across all sectors.

If you have a question or topic you'd like covered in the webinar, please add this to your order form. Otherwise you'll be able to ask questions at the end in the Q&A session.

Book your ticket to join us live or receive the recording.

PLEASE NOTE: This event is led by Marches Energy Agency. Any questions, contact 0800 677 1332, or email

15 February

Home Energy Efficiency Workshop - Belper

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